Equatorial Guinea's Vice President Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue says the border was sealed to prevent from the 'infiltration' of groups that may want to destabilize the country's elections
Overcrowded camps are struggling to feed the displaced Nigerians, while the country is also dealing with a cholera outbreak
Opposition political parties accuse Biya of rigging elections for decades
Thousands of people lining up to apply, citing need to escape poor economy and country's separatist conflict
Equatorial Guinea says it is deporting people living in the country illegally
The refugee camp hosts about 76,000 people
Videos are leaked to and shared on social media platforms
Officials say outbreak has killed at least 17 people along Cameroon’s border with Chad and Nigeria, and they fear the number will grow
Demonstrators demanded to know the whereabouts of scores of people, including five Catholic priests, a nun, and two worshippers taken last month from a church on Cameroon's western border with Nigeria
Both countries say an additional 70,000 have been left homeless after heavy rainfall this week caused the Logone river, which forms their border, to overflow
Heath officials say they have confirmed a monkeypox outbreak in the town of Mbonge on the western border with Nigeria
Demonstrators are calling for better security so children, especially girls, can return to classrooms
Cameroon's officials say the number of mental health patients in the country has more than doubled in the past year
But civilians say insecurity and hunger looms
Law aimed at making English-speakers more comfortable in the French-speaking majority country
Hundreds of people march on the streets of Yaounde, demanding an end to the separatist crisis in Cameroon's English-speaking western regions
For the first time, separatists acknowledged deadly clashes between splinter rebel groups
Activist groups accuse Cameroon's military of killing scores of villagers in raids this month to root out suspected rebel supporters, a charge the government denies
Roman Catholic Church officials in Cameroon say fewer than 10 of the at least 200 Christians expected at Saint Mary's Church in Nchang village attended their traditional church service Sunday after bishops reported a separatist abduction there
The farmers, meeting in Cameroon’s capital, called on the region's governments to help people cope with food shortages
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