Masood Farivar is a Senior Analyst in VOA’s South and Central Asia Division.
Five years ago, the town of Ferguson, Missouri, made international headlines when a local white officer shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, triggering waves of riots. Masood Farivar recently visited to see what has changed in a town that has become a flashpoint for America's struggles with poverty and race.
Omer Kuzu of Texas is the sixth US citizen or permanent resident to be brought back from Syria or Iraq
There were a total of 53 reported anti-Muslim hate crimes in cities with large Muslim populations such as New York and Los Angeles, down from 74 incidents reported in 2017, a new study found
The Trump administration’s resumption of federal death penalty comes as more states abolish the practice
The last federal execution in the US took place in 2003; states have their own laws on capital punishment, with many carrying out executions on a state level
Democrats hoped public would hear damning details of misdeeds by President Donald Trump from former special counsel himself, while Republicans focused on origins of investigation
Wray said the Chinese threat ranges from cyber intrusions to corruption of insiders at US firms, including a series of recent economic espionage cases
Democratic and Republican members will pepper Mueller with tough questions to extract additional information and insights beyond his report
Trump attacked four female lawmakers of color by charging that they 'hate our country,' and should leave if they are unhappy with the US
DOJ hosts daylong summit on combating anti-Semitism
The movement helped focus attention on how powerful men had gotten away with harassment by intimidating victims and using their influence to get more lenient punishments when caught
Three-judge panel of US Court of Appeals in New York rules unanimously that because Trump's Twitter account is a 'public forum,' he can't block users who disagree with him
Every year, the high court considers a handful of cases with far-reaching consequences for citizens and businesses of other countries
Why it is important to read the document that established US national government and general laws
Critics say CBP's cash seizure practice is sometimes unconstitutional
While a handful of high-profile cases are sometimes designated as acts of 'domestic terrorism' and receive the law enforcement agencies’ full investigative attention, the overwhelming majority are not
Haroon K. Ullah, who served as chief strategy officer for USAGM, submitted falsified hotel, tax and Uber invoices, and billed government for personal trips to promote his book
Former special counsel heads to Congress to discuss Russian election meddling
OSC was once seen as powerful watchdog, but in the Trump era, the agency's ability to hold senior government officials accountable is being put to the test
OSC was once seen as powerful watchdog, but in Trump era, agency's ability to hold senior government officials accountable is being tested
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