IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain says authors of report conclude coronavirus pandemic has been the biggest disaster in our living memory, by any measure
They disproportionally affect people who live in poor, remote communities and are not on the list of global health priorities
Volker Türk says Myanmar has plunged deeper into crisis since the military launched a coup nearly two years ago against the democratically elected government
UNAIDS says thousands of children are dying from HIV/AIDS because, unlike adults, they do not receive treatment for the deadly disease
Guterres: "Let us never again remain silent in the face of evil"
They project world output growth to drop from an estimated 3% percent in 2022 to 1.9% in 2023
Europeans completed their withdrawal from Mali in November, ending a 14-year effort to keep the country safe from militant Islamist groups
UNRWA provides humanitarian assistance to millions of Palestinian refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon
UN refugee agency says more than 130 armed groups in the region are creating havoc and terrorizing the population with their brutal, frequent attacks
Agency says millions of people are facing catastrophic health emergencies triggered by multiple man-made and natural disasters, including flooding, drought, and acute hunger
World Health Organization reports 5 billion people are exposed to this toxic product, increasing their risk of heart disease and death
Volker Türk underscores importance of bringing human rights to life in every part of the world to achieve stability and attain justice
Solar-powered hubs will provide essential services - such as energy, water, and digital platforms - to communities in remote areas
Health officials say there is no basis for recent concerns raised by the media and science communities about the safety of the mRNA booster shots
Relief supplies are intended for 800 people who remain in contested area
At least 348 people have died or disappeared while fleeing Myanmar or Bangladesh by sea last year
Some 4 million children living near contaminated and stagnant waters in flood-affected districts of Pakistan are fighting for survival
The current global economic slowdown will force millions of workers to accept lower quality, poorly paid jobs: ILO
More than 2700 world leaders will seek solutions for multiple global crises when they meet in the posh Swiss Alpine village of Davos
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