Thousands are demonstrating against police violence, echoing longstanding accusations
Senegal’s Diack was once one of the sport’s most influential people
‘Beliefs’ exhibit explores the power of religion, superstition and myths across the continent
The pandemic cost lives and leaves the country in worse shape than before the revolution
The EU aims to boost pan-European tourism and revive a major economic driver
Two years before the next presidential elections, France’s 42-year-old leader, Emmanuel Macron, is struggling to find a second wind, as the coronavirus pandemic and its aftermath shreds the country’s economy and his progressive programs
Coronavirus lockdown reportedly helped investigators zero in on Felicien Kabuga
Felicien Kabuga ducked justice for years; activists wonder how he managed to do so for so long
The French government vows a green recovery - some are skeptical that will happen
The French government vows a green recovery — some are skeptical that will happen
Memories of colonial medical legacy still resonate for some
Across Europe, the coronavirus has shuttered thousands of eating establishments, dealing them a multi-billion-dollar blow
A new poll finds the coronavirus pandemic may put nearly one-third of French restaurants out of business
In France and elsewhere in Europe, the coronavirus pandemic exposes tensions between regions and centralized governments
The coronavirus pandemic has battered the country’s economy and jobs, leaving workers anxious about the future
Three journalists recount their experiences reporting on the coronavirus pandemic in Africa
Even as French cheer on the country’s health workers, the pandemic is exposing longstanding inequities
Radio Corona International takes on COVID-19 and much more
The World Bank predicts a 20% drop in remittances globally; in France, billions from diaspora head to Africa
Coronavirus restrictions have shuttered French parks, but one is accessible outside Paris—with a link to the US
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