Last year, a Paris court handed Teodorín Obiang, the son of Equatorial Guinea’s longtime president, a three-year suspended sentence and a multimillion-dollar fine on charges of plundering his country’s wealth to finance his opulent lifestyle
US populism, Capitol siege and COVID-19 among factors inspiring European extremists
Reporters Without Borders says US intelligence supports its complaint
Historian Benjamin Stora's report has not been well received; he says his goal was to shed light and allow the sides to move forward
As French troops in Sahel face growing opposition at home and abroad, experts call for sea-change in approach
US Secretary of State to join foreign ministers meeting in Brussels via videoconference
France awaits key study on its role in 1994 massacres; some wonder how truthful it will be
Suspects plead not guilty in first global trial targeting CAR’s 2013-2014 violence — which has helped fuel present cycle
New suspects arrested in Nice knife attacks
After a Macron-Trump honeymoon, Paris-Washington ties have frayed
Seven face antiterrorism judge for beheading of Samuel Paty as government cracks down on extremists
Seven face anti-terrorism judge in beheading of Samuel Paty for showing his students cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a class on secular values
Some believe free expression and France’s secularist creed are on the line
Suspect in Paris-area teacher slaying was reportedly 18-year-old Chechen man living in Normandy
Along with US and Russia, France is part of OSCE’s Minsk Group aiming for peaceful solution to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; but some want the country to abandon neutrality
Summit ending Friday also addresses China and Caucasus unrest
Felicien Kabuga's lawyers had argued the octogenarian was in poor health and risked bias at UN tribunal
European leaders to address tough foreign policy issues in upcoming meeting
France’s Muslim community – Europe’s largest – worries new law could deepen anti-Islamic sentiments
Officials are investigating possible terrorism motive in latest attack, which took place amid 2015 attacks trial
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