Statistics show that less than 2% of Africa’s population is fully vaccinated
Spike is being blamed mainly on poor law enforcement
Malaria's the No. 1 killer disease in Malawi and accounts for 36% of all hospital outpatients and 15% of hospital admissions
Mwikala village had zero malaria cases for a whole year
The investigation claims that Energy Minister Kambala attempted to influence NOCMA to award contracts for 2020-2021 fuel supplies to three potential oil suppliers
Critics say the Women Lawyers Association of Malawi is trying to cash in after saying it was representing 18 suspected rape victims pro bono
Arrival of 302,000 doses comes a few weeks after Malawi announced it will start inoculating citizens with several COVID-19 vaccines in an effort to protect more of its population amid growing infections
The 25-year-old runner is also supporting a campaign to ensure children with disabilities, especially girls, aren’t left behind in education
In May, authorities burned about 20,000 expired doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine
Malawi ran out of doses in June amid a rise in COVID infections and just weeks after the government burned 20,000 unused doses that expired because of vaccine hesitancy
Lawyers for victims and human rights campaigners, however, say the money alone is not enough
Quick construction of computer-built schools can help alleviate a shortfall in classrooms in countries like Malawi
Computer-built schools could alleviate classroom and housing shortages, but costs remain a challenge
AstraZeneca vaccine ran out so now the nation is going to begin using Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Sputnik, Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines
The survey was based on current hospital admissions of COVID-19 patients across the country
The warning follows a surge in COVID-19 cases in a third wave of the pandemic
First ever pride parade in the capital, Lilongwe, pushes for recognition by the government, legalization of same-sex marriage and equal access to health care
Mosquito-spread parasitic disease accounts for about 15% of Malawi's hospital admissions
Activists who proposed expanding abortion rights say they will fight on, and those who are against it vow to continue their opposition
The shortage comes just weeks after Malawi destroyed about 20,000 doses that expired, partly due to vaccine hesitancy
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