Africa’s women farmers need greater access land, seed and loans
Forest clearing continues to threaten rainforests, wildlife and the livelihoods of communities
Julia A. Wilson was empowered to start a mult-cultural PR firm in South Africa
Lack of access to anti-retroviral therapy is the biggest threat in fight against HIV
Rwanda fights AIDS, expands male circumcision campaign with new non-surgical device
Cigarette market growing in Ghana, Nigeria
Most primary age out-of-school children live in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia
New report focuses on human rights violations in the palm oil industry
The Red Cross is evaluating the needs of the displaced
Improving infrastructures in rural areas will help increase food productivity
The Congo Basin is a major supplier of illegally harvested trees, costing billions worldwide
The Department of Agriculture is donating rice, yellow split peas, vegetable oil, bulgur, and a corn soy-blend for school lunches.
People with disabilities in developing countries experience more deprivations
Woman stays positive after disease returns
Light for the World focuses on demystifying causes of blindness in developing countries
The Virunga Alliance will help fund the protection of endangered species such as mountain gorillas
Africa’s youth are ready to embrace new technologies in agriculture
Interactive tools provide farmers with direct access to agriculture information
The destruction of forests leads to greenhouse gas emissions and loss of habitat for endangered species
Olam International: Water is a key issue for us when we see the way people are going to compete for water in the future.
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