Imagine a dress to reduce stress or that changes color based on the wearer's mood
With American kids getting fatter, program aims to expose them to more nutritious choices
Volunteers gather up and haul away hundreds of tons of trash before it winds up in Potomac River
Making meals appear tempting and delicious
Recent urban gardening forum in Washington, DC draws hundreds
After years in decline, instrument enjoys a surge in popularity
Hobbyists and artists drawn to lost vocation
For every US Navy ship built, there is a small-scale replica made with painstaking care
Team of two men fixes instruments for Washington DC's Public School system
City residents reduce garbage by doing their own composting
George Mason University's program raises money for student scholarships, legal aid
Recycled wedding gown, water bottle with built-in filter are among items on display
Diego D'Ambrosio's shop has welcomed people from all walks of life
Exercise bikes convert fitness energy into clean electricity
Facebook and Twitter help mobile cupcake business create a sensation among office workers
Mountain people continue musical heritage that began centuries ago
Middle and high school students enjoy a special evening at the prom
Wayne Henderson's reputation a result of a 50 years of fine craftsmanship
Children aren't the only ones who benefit when people over 55 volunteer in schools
Washington area police band reaches out to community through music
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