Botswana study shows caregivers suffer financially and emotionally
Chuks Osuji says military respected democratic rule, refusing a takeover
Rival rebel coalition gaining strength, as JEM ends talks with government
FXB Foundation aids families in Eastern DRC
Report cities significant barrier to development
UNHCR reports average of 14 sexual assaults each day against women in the DRC each day
Report, however, does foresee reduction in extreme poor
Oxford researchers say maternal loss affects child’s education and health
ActionAid calls for major investment in these smallholder farmers
New report details indiscriminate killings, cruel punishments, repression and forced recruitment of child soldiers
Egypt, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Bangladesh remain problem areas
Studies suggest that beginning anti-retroviral treatment at higher CD4 counts may have many benefits
John Prendergast, others say Obama administration has failed to follow through on benchmarks and consequences
Mark Bowden says Mogadishu residents are victims of indiscriminate attacks
They call on President Obama to declare results illegitimate
Official of Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation says racial progress slow since 1994 elections
Ruling party calls for calm and restraint after April 3rd bludgeoning death
Experts consider ways to deal with pirates’ expanding reach outside Gulf of Aden
Findings could lead to better designed vaccine candidates
Diarrheal disease third leading cause of death for children under age five, after malaria and pneumonia
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