Scientists study effects of past climate change events
Formula may lead to more effective, simpler treatments
Court says Italy had responsibility to ensure human rights
Researchers study how extreme weather events can trigger more disease outbreaks, safety of local water supplies
Amnesty International says British conference on Somalia should consider rights abuses
Save the Children says Mozambique program helps children thrive and learn
Thousands of displaced head for Mogadishu
Young Women may put their health at risk to gain financial support
Amnesty International says armed groups threatening security, committing rights abuses.
Final negotiations set for July
Stigma, shame blamed for late access to care
Scientists examine why rainforests disappeared 3,000 years ago
Report says continent could reap billions more through regulatory reforms and enforcing agreements
New recommendations promote good governance, transparency
International Food Policy Research Institute says situation worse than had been reported
Doctors Without Borders walks fine line in caring for sick and wounded
AppBridge mobile phone application links software developers with communities and NGOs
Rights and Resources Initiative says local rights repeatedly ignored
Many African refugees and migrants drown trying to cross Mediterranean
New report says ivory sold openly in Cairo, Luxor
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