WHO recommends short-term treatment of TB using IPT, which has been successful, but researchers fear a resistant strain
Researchers say bacteria inside the body convert carnitine found in meat into a compound that hardens arteries
Drug addiction might someday be cured with a simple treatment to 'wake up' a dysfunctional region of addict's brain
India’s high court struck down a bid by Swiss drugmaker Novartis to extend patent protection for its cancer drug, Glivec
Pyrococcus furiosus thrives in super-heated, acidic ocean waters surrounding undersea volcanic vents
Available for iPhone and iPad, Balance offers tips on reliable diagnosis, recognizing symptoms and managing routine daily care
US researchers have discovered a class of potent chemical compounds that could stop a host of viruses in their tracks
Change linked to rising global temperatures
Study says more than 230 million married women using modern contraceptives will not have access to them by 2015
Researchers probing causes of autism, schizophrenia say protein is affected by serious physical or emotional stress women experience during pregnancy
They hope research can help reduce more than two million infant deaths each year by bolstering newborn's immature immune systems
Some researchers believe modern diet, including fast foods, may play a role in mysterious evolution of these conditions
Mycobacterium tuberculosis lurks in tissue, where neither antibiotics nor the body’s protective immune system can kill it
Disease caused by a fly near rivers can lead to blindness and afflicts near 18 million people
WHO study finds in many regions of the world, testing, treatment services are not as widely available as they should be
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder that causes large patches of unsightly discoloration on skin
First scientific study to look at role of cigarette smoke in disease development finds it may trigger or worsen condition in older people who are already at risk
Scientists at University of California San Diego develop new biomaterial that can repair damage from heart attacks, help promote growth of new heart tissue
Blind mice injected with cells show improvement in lab tests
New study links B vitamin with developmental delay characterized by problems with communication and social interaction
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