There's been much progress against the disease on continent since 2000, but drug-resistant strain is now present in Asia, and the risk of importing it is real
Tens of thousands fled Boko Haram attacks in southeast Niger this month, further straining resources
Globally, around 80 million doses of yellow fever vaccine are made each year; manufacturers say it can be hard to predict how much vaccine will be needed and that they can't afford to over produce
Officials, aid workers wonder whether units will have to be razed or could be used to reinforce primary health care services in West Africa
Country already had one of world's highest maternal mortality rates before Ebola arrived, virus has added even more complications to health care
World Bank says three countries most affected by Ebola will suffer a combined $1.6 billion in economic losses in 2015 due to ongoing outbreak
United Nations says contributions include sending much-needed health care workers, medical supplies, dedicating limited resources toward prevention
Justice Department says Teodorin Nguema Obiang must forfeit US-based property and belongings, including mansion in California, Michael Jackson memorabilia
With health clinics closed and people afraid to come in for treatment, national AIDS commission says they are now going door-to-door
Women's roles in families and the community put them at greater risk for contracting the disease, officials say
'Secret' abortions are now one of leading causes of maternal death in Senegal
Experts say providing access to microloans, crop insurance, better storage facilities, irrigation, road systems and market information could enable greater production
Demonstrators across West Africa held protests on 20th anniversary of President Yahya Jammeh's seizure of power to raise awareness about a 'dire' situation
Country's Environmental Protection Agency is aware of problems rising sea levels has been causing and is working to control erosion but says more funding needed
Amnesty International publishes names of people it says must be held accountable for country to begin peace and reconciliation process
World Health Organization says there have been at least 50 new cases of Ebola in Liberia and Sierra Leone since July 3
Goal of mRamadan is to help diabetics safely manage their illness and reduce number of emergency hospitalizations that normally peak during Ramadan
More than a million caterpillars have invaded at least 25 villages and towns in the forested areas of Lofa and Gbarpolu counties
Mauritanians have a choice of five presidential candidates, including incumbent President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz
Health officials in Liberia's capital say that at least seven more people are believed to have died from the Ebola virus
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