Jeffrey Young
Jeffrey Young came to the “Corruption” beat after years of doing news analysis, primarily on global strategic issues such as nuclear proliferation. During most of 2013, he was on special assignment in Baghdad and elsewhere with the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR). Previous VOA activities include VOA-TV, where he created the “How America Works” and “How America Elects” series, and the “Focus” news analysis unit.
Prior to coming to VOA in 2001, he ran a pioneering live streaming Internet business in London. He was the lead person in the reconstruction of Kuwait’s state broadcasting after the 1991 Gulf War. In 1988, he created the first all-business-and-financial radio station in the United States, WPGC/Washington, DC. Before that, he was a network anchor for ABC and NBC, first in New York, then, Washington. His on-air career began when he was 17, as a DJ at a Miami rock station. His hobby is antique watch restoration.