Activists say 400,000 North Koreans have died in prison camps during past 60 years from starvation and forced labor
Some activists say Seoul summit not promoting security, just trying to make more money for nuclear industry
Some South Koreans are using other means for reuniting with loved ones from North
Recent survey found up to 31 percent of children with foreign parent stay home and do not learn Korean proficiently
Following the arrival of a new, untested leader in North Korea, several conscripts speak about their concerns for the future
Seoul is taking steps to shore up economy and reassure investors, and so far it appears to be working
Activists criticize decision, saying no one should feel bad about the loss of a dictator
Kim Jong Il’s death casts uncertainty on the future of North-South engagements
Radio show that lampoons political conservatives is one of the most downloaded programs on the Internet
A record number of nations voted in favor of a non-binding resolution condemning North Korea’s human rights record on Monday
Although Korean students are among the highest scorers on international standardized tests, some say there is a downside
Busy, overworked South Koreans use online store to take the hassle out of mundane chores
Western style replaces older, confusing address system; critics decry loss of cultural heritage
Pyongyang says exercise will undermine efforts to restart nuclear talks
South Korean culinary school helps close cultural gaps
Many South Koreans hope Olympics will put them on the map as winter sports hotspot
American war veterans cliams Agent Orange - a toxic defoliant - was buried at Camp Carroll three decades ago
Visiting US Secretary of State reaffirms Washington’s commitment to improve bilateral ties with South Korea
Secretary of state's trip to S. Korea comes days after Pyongyang announced it will try detained US citizen on unknown charges
Robots used to make up for shortfall in human teachers
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