On western edge of Siberia, almost 2,000 kilometers east of Moscow, more and more Russians speaking their minds on elections, democracy
Analyst says Russia’s Orthodox Church might play a role as mediator
Russia's uncensored Internet allows people to communicate, coordinate, raise money for rallies
Moscow is virtually alone in defending Bashar al-Assad government
Russia built for Iran first nuclear power plant, then refused to sell to Tehran anti-aircraft missiles to defend it
Following 12-day Christmas, New Year’s break, protests of last month's parliamentary election show no sign of easing
Putin's decision to switch campaign managers less than 10 weeks before the presidential election perceived as sign of problems
Rapid rise of Russia’s democracy movement poses biggest challenge yet to his 12-year strongman rule
Demonstrators shout for new elections; organizers say crowd reached 100,000 people, exceeding numbers at Moscow rally two weeks ago
Success of mass rally will be pivotal in determining if opponents of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin can affect March 4 vote
Russian president supports easing registration requirements for political parties and presidential candidates
This time protest is not for capitalist revolution, but for democratic reform
Last weekend,seven-month-long strike erupted into violence as police fired on rioters in two towns in western Kazakhstan
Russian prime minister says vote reflects will of people, proposes installing cameras at polling stations for presidential election
When Soviet Union collapsed, Russia, biggest member republic, embarked on 20 years of unsteady independence
Suddenly, middle class Russians are saying in public they are fed up
Demonstrations erupt across the country as protesters demand an end to President Vladimir Putin's rule
Saturday’s demonstrations may serve as indicator which way Russia will go in New Year
Former Soviet Union leader says parliamentary results do not reflect will of people
Opponents of ruling party say even its poor showing in elections was boosted by fraud
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