In the town of Mai Kadra in Western Tigray, VOA spoke to protesters demonstrating land redistribution, as the state-funded human rights commission says it could investigate
TPLF calls for a return of basic services, as analysts say multiple factors stand in the way
Lack of aid exacerbates conditions, advocates say, while a local nonprofit implores regional government to declare drought
In Ethiopia’s Afar region, aid trucks pass through en route from Djibouti to Tigray, but people who live by the side of the road say they have nothing to eat and their children are dying. Henry Wilkins reports.
WHO says food assistance must be combined with medical aid to save lives in war-torn region
Rights groups say authorities arbitrarily detained thousands of Tigrayans last year in waves of ethnically motivated arrests
Ethiopian Human Rights Commission calls for release of 9,000 Tigrayans held against their will
The record drought in the Horn of Africa that’s killed millions of livestock has been made worse by landmines left by combatants
Landmines have killed children and livestock, and are making people afraid to collect water, despite the drought
Analysts Explain to VOA What The recent Flareup of Violence Could Mean
The government expresses support for AU mediation of talks, while TPLF looks to Kenya
The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs releases a statement on the matter
A record drought in the Horn of Africa has wiped out crops and millions of cattle and left millions of people who depend on them facing hunger
Any talks are seen as having the potential to bring an end to Ethiopia’s 18 months of civil war
Local Muslims say recent attack targeting them had been brewing for years
Survivors say they were ostracized by communities after sexual assault by soldiers on a shocking scale
Advocates say more help is needed for people trying to flee famine and starvation in Tigray
Students in Amhara are traumatized by civil war, as nonprofits say lack of education in Tigray will have decadeslong impact
Students in Amhara are traumatized by civil war, as nonprofits say lack of education in Tigray will have decades long impact.
Lalibela’s rock-hewn churches have stood for centuries, but can the tourist trade that has grown up around them survive?
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