Officials say four-month campaign to reduce illegal pesticides and steroids in foods has achieved success
US senators have announced plans to introduce legislation to pressure China on its currency, which they blame for American job losses,
In new audio message released on Internet Thursday, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden urged Pakistanis to overthrow Pervez Musharraf's go
Move could mean breakthrough for efforts to dismantle Pyongyang's nuclear program
Forces re-took town of Musa Qala after months of Taliban control, but NATO spokesman says they will likely still face resistance from T
Investigators say bombings were acts of sabotage, but have not named any suspects or given motive for attacks in Kunming, southern China
Association of Southeast Asian Nations members Japan, China and South Korea will be allowed to dip into money when faced with financial
Musharraf's public approval rating has dropped since he attempted in March to fire chief justice of Supreme Court
Report by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yangtze River Water Resources Commission, WWF says billions of tons of wastewater, sewage
Proposed legislation would once again subject China to annual review process, to decide whether or not it deserves 'most favored nation