Finance trade ministers meeting in Singapore agree more coordinated efforts are needed for sustained global growth
World Wildlife Fund says temperatures in region expected to rise by as much as four degrees Celsius in next 60 years and that could thr
Death toll from Indonesia earthquake likely to pass 1,000; more than 400 killed by Typhoon Ketsana in Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, L
Ketsana knocked over and buried homes in landslides, killing entire families in Vietnam and Cambodia
Democracy activist sentenced to extra an 18 months in detention in August after bizarre incident in which an American man swam uninvite
New IMF report on economic outlook for Asia and Pacific says region will take longer than other parts of the world to recover from glob
Representatives say Burma's military government has promised full cooperation
Ban Ki-moon in Burma to press for release all political prisoners, including pro-democracy leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi
Mas Selamat Kastari, who escaped from detention center in February of last year, was believed to be hiding somewhere in Singapore or In
Migrant Assistance Program Foundation says global economic downturn has hit migrants from Burma particularly hard
Spokesman for Pyongyang's delegation, Ri Hung-Sik, says breakdown in talks was Washington's fault
US defense secretary also urges more Asian support for Afghanistan
Burmese authorities say detention of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi legal for 6 more months
Mrs. Aquino remembered as icon of democracy in Philippines for leading 'people power' movement against dictatorship, also inspired demo
Christopher Hill tells reporters Washington and Beijing trying to find solution to send $25 million from Macau bank to North Korea
Christopher Hill returned from visit to N. Korea where he says disablement going well, but gaps remain on Pyongyang's agreed nuclear de
Ambassador to China, Zaza Begashvili, meets with China's foreign minister to seek support in dispute with Russia
Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte says progress in Afghanistan has undermined support for the Taleban, despite growing violence
Wen Jiabao tells representatives of African Development Bank meeting in Shanghai that China is sincere about helping Africa develop
Analysts say debris from destroyed satellite could collide with and damage nearby satellites; but bigger concern is strategic
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