Observers see targeted sanctions against corrupt figures as a way forward
Analysts see struggle ahead for Mikati after he fails to win support from key groups
The post-Netanyahu era opens new opportunities, but observers warn that keeping the Israeli-Palestinian crisis simmering is not sustainable
Analysts say White House visit by Jordan’s moderate king helped overall efforts to stabilize situations of Palestinians, Iraq and Syria
Parallel catastrophes hit Lebanon with still no government, analysts say
Palestinian refugee flows are a concern, but there are rising concerns in the region that Israeli Jewish and Israeli Arab violence could be more dangerous
In skies and on streets, Arabs and Jews fight each other as decades old tensions erupt again
Iran has been weakened, but analysts caution that Washington could still lose leverage in negotiations if it lifts sanctions without dealing with Tehran’s malign behavior
Washington sees Saudi Arabia in key role maintaining regional stability as tensions with Iran persist
Analysts say Washington, Brussels should push for sanctions and stolen assets recovery to get Lebanese politicians to carry out real reforms
Long-stalled reforms are being held hostage by corrupt political class and need outside help to break logjam
Jordanian analysts: King Abdullah shows half-brother Hamzah the limits of activities seen as undermining the power structure
Observers say US should use its leverage to get Moscow to stop holding up aid to Syrian war victims
Failure to form a government and start badly needed economic reforms may pave way for failed state
Saudi Arabia’s importance to the US goes way beyond oil, analysts say
Conditions worsen for Syrians as access to basic services, food, security remain under threat
Jordan's king says nobody should be left behind in global coronavirus vaccination drive
For the Vatican, the continued presence of Christians in Iraq is vital to keeping alive faith communities that have existed since the time of Christ
Speaking at what is said to be patriarch Abraham’s birthplace in today’s Iraq, pontiff says the country’s various communities have suffered too long from terrorism and war
Pope Francis is scheduled to meet with one of Shiite Islam’s most authoritative figures, the Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani
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