Small farms reportedly comprise 70% of Zimbabwe's agriculture and making them more efficient could help restore the country's lost status as Africa’s breadbasket
Feed the Future Zimbabwe says small farms make up 70 percent of Zimbabwe's farmers and making them more efficient could help restore the country's lost status as breadbasket of Africa
State security minister Owen Ncube offered no evidence for his accusation, made Monday
Online dance video with elephants, giraffes and other animals goes viral
Staff at Zimbabwe sanctuary for rescued wildlife have seen their online dance video with elephants, giraffes and other animals go viral
Teachers say UNICEF should check conditions in impoverished southern African nation where instructors earn less than $40 a month
Authorities seek to reassure resettled Black farmers in what some fear may be reversal of land reforms
Announcement seen as bowing to pressure from conservation groups against allowing two Chinese companies to mine call in country’s biggest national park
Black farmers fear losing land taken from white farmers under Mugabe
A court in Harare granted Chin'ono the bail late Wednesday, after four failed attempts and more than a month behind bars; he has been ordered not to post anything on social media
President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ruling party has dismissed the concerns as 'rubbish'
Charities have stepped-up free water deliveries to poor neighborhoods but, authorities say social distancing is a challenge at public water points
Charities in and around the capital of Harare, have opened relief kitchens to provide free meals to thousands
President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government says it is encouraging affected citizens to sign up for a $3 grant a month when the poverty datum line is about $500
Last week, local Catholic bishops issued statement condemning deteriorating human rights situation
Judge says attorney Beatrice Mtetwa should be charged with contempt of court and asked Law Society of Zimbabwe to revoke her license
The government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa hopes the plan will also encourage foreign investment in Zimbabwe’s imploding economy
President Emmerson Mnangagwa hopes agreement will encourage foreign investment into Zimbabwe’s imploding economy
Envoys were expected to meet both the government of Zimbabwe and relevant stakeholders
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