Republican-led House of Representatives links measure to fund DHS with provisions to block president’s executive action on immigration
White House says Justice Department will comply with, but also appeal against, Texas ruling temporarily blocking move to protect up to 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation
Proposal would limit military operations against Islamist militants to three years, bar use of US troops in 'enduring offensive ground combat'
As world leaders try to end the fighting in Ukraine, a growing number of U.S. lawmakers are urging President Barack Obama to provide weapons to Ukraine's government. After meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Monday, President Obama said he has not yet made a decision on providing lethal weapons to help Ukrainian forces defend themselves against pro-Russian separatists. VOA’s Cindy Saine has more from Capitol Hill.
Some say House speaker's invitation to Israeli leader, offered without contacting White House, is slap at President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama's 2016 budget request is setting up fierce political wrangling with the Republican-run Congress over proposed new spending on social programs and infrastructure projects. Republicans are dismissing the president’s $4 trillion budget as more of the same "big government" spending they say Democrats always want. VOA congressional correspondent Cindy Saine reports.
Some Cuban American lawmakers strongly oppose Obama administration’s sudden shift in US policy towards Cuba, others say it is past time to end embargo
New Jersey's Robert Menendez will delay action on his bill until after March 24, an interim deadline in nuclear arms talks with Tehran
John Boehner's invitation aims at confronting President Barack Obama over his opposition to new sanctions against Tehran
Deportation debate linked to funding for Department of Homeland Security, at a time when world is on edge due to terrorist attack in Paris, France
Ohio Republican survives a challenge from conservatives within his party to win third term
Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the balance of power has shifted
Some progressive Democrats and conservative Republicans opposed the bill, but President Obama and Speaker Boehner supported its passage
Bill challenges president's authority to shelve deportations via executive order, but it's largely seen as political statement
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson defended President Barack Obama’s recent executive order on immigration Tuesday before the House Homeland Security Committee. As VOA’s Cindy Saine reports from Capitol Hill, Republican Party anger over what they see as an "executive power grab" might affect a government funding bill that has to be passed by December 11.
At hearing, Texas Representative McCaul says Obama's move will encourage more undocumented immigrants to try to enter US
House Speaker decries what he calls repeated abuse of executive authority after immigration speech
Republican lawmakers express fury ahead of president's scheduled address on sweeping immigration reform
President Barack Obama and two congressional panels warned Tuesday that despite waning media attention, Ebola remains a serious global threat. The president has asked Congress for an additional $6.2 billion in emergency funding to fight the deadly disease in West Africa. Most lawmakers say they realize the money is urgently needed. VOA’s Cindy Saine has the story from Capitol Hill.
Some analysts say White House likely has not yet decided whether to announce executive order shortly - or to wait until after Congress has passed spending bill next month
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