People living in New Jersey, Georgia, Florida and California are among the most stressed in the country, according to online career advisor Zippia.
Zippia looks at six factors when assessing stress levels in each state, including long commute times, unemployment, working hours, population density, and home prices. The higher any of these criteria are, the more stressful life is in the state.
New Jersey tops the list due because its residents work a lot, deal with long commutes and, in general, home prices are high in relation to salaries.
California, home to Hollywood, the nation's entertainment center, and Silicon Valley, the so-called tech capital of the world, also makes the top 10.
Zippia says home prices are so high in the West coast state that no matter how much money you make, rent or your home mortgage will consume most of your income.
New York comes in at No. 5. New Yorkers have the longest work commutes in the country. Maryland is No. 7 with the second-longest commutes in the U.S..
And forget about the image of Southerners leisurely sipping lemonade and sweet iced tea on the front porch on slow summer afternoons.
The reality is that there are more Southern states on the stress list than from any other region in the country. Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Virginia are in the Top 10.
Lower education rates, coupled with high unemployment, a high uninsured rate, and long commutes, put Georgians on edge. People in Louisiana often work more hours per week than people in other states, while many North Carolinians are both unemployed and uninsured.
On top of working long hours, Virginians also have long commutes. Mississippi makes the list thanks to having the highest unemployment rates in the nation.
For the least stressed states in the country, you'd have to head to the Midwest. Overall, residents of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota are the Americans enjoying the lowest levels of stress.