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Tunisian Police Use Tear Gas on Protesters

Radical Islamist militants leave as police use tear gas during a demonstration in Tunis, Tunisia, October 14, 2011.
Radical Islamist militants leave as police use tear gas during a demonstration in Tunis, Tunisia, October 14, 2011.

Tunisian police have used tear gas to disperse protesters who made a second attempt on Friday to march to a television station that aired a controversial film.

Witnesses say the demonstrators were stopped by authorities as they moved near the Nessema TV station in Tunis.

On Sunday police used tear gas to disperse hundreds of Islamists who rallied outside the station. They were angered by the station's recent showing of Persepolis. Protesters say the film about Iran's 1979 revolution denigrates Islam.

Tensions have heightened between Islamists and secularists over Tunisia's future as the country prepares for elections this month.

The voting on October 23 will mark the country's first elections since a revolution toppled former President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.

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