After a long hot summer month of Ramadan, Egypt's Muslims are celebrating Eid El-Fitr with open air prayers, dressing up, going out in the streets and public parks. In a country with high rates of sexual harassment like Egypt, the majority of celebrators are young men in groups, while females prefer staying in.
Eid El-Fitr in Cairo 2018

A Muslim woman lines up with Muslim men during Eid prayers in Giza, Egypt, June 15, 2018.

Parents queue with their children for a camel ride after Eid prayers in Cairo, June 15, 2018.

A group of young men joke loudly as three girls pass by during Eid Al-Fitr in Cairo, June 15, 2018.

“The reason for most of my female friends that they don’t hang out on Eid is because either they got sexually harassed on a day like today or they heard a story that made them scared to go out," said Somaya, 24.