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Peru Steps Up Enforcement of Stay-At-Home Order

A homeless woman waits outside the Plaza de Acho bullring, which the Peruvian government is retooling into a homeless shelter as part of its response to the spread of coronavirus disease in Lima, Peru, April 1, 2020.
A homeless woman waits outside the Plaza de Acho bullring, which the Peruvian government is retooling into a homeless shelter as part of its response to the spread of coronavirus disease in Lima, Peru, April 1, 2020.

Thousands of Peru reservists are joining security forces and police in enforcing the mandatory quarantine aimed at stopping the spread of the new coronavirus.

President Martin Vizcarra is calling up more than 10,000 reservists to patrol neighborhoods as thousands of people continue to violate a national stay-at-home order and guidelines for social distancing.

Reservists who refuse to report for duty face a fine of $1,200.

Although President Vizcarra declared a state of emergency and ordered people to stay home through April 12, a military spokesman said Wednesday that thousands of people have been detained for violating the dusk-to-dawn stay-off-the-streets order.

So far, Peru has 1,065 cases of coronavirus, and 30 people have died.

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