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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, left, gives his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, a thumbs up after Pence addressed the Republican National Convention.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, left, gives his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, a thumbs up after Pence addressed the Republican National Convention.

LIVE BLOG: Republican National Convention, Day 3


'Make America First Again' was the theme for day 3 of the Republican National Convention, as vice presidential nominee, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, took center stage after other key figures, including: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and former Trump rivals Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Florida Senator Marco Rubio addressed the convention.

Patton is also a senior assistant to Eric Trump. She says she has known Donald Trump for the past eight years. She says she knows his heart. Says he is the law-and-order that America needs.

Patton criticizes attacks on police as attacks on civil society. She admits, tho, historically, that black lives have matter less. She then says all lives matter -- LGBT, veterans and blue.

She says you can judge the tree by the fruit it bears. And he has raised the best young adults she has ever met. TV pans to the crowd and shows the entire Trump family.

Patton says she supports Trump not because of the color of her skin but in spite of the color of her skin.

Lynne Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation, speaks to the Republican National Convention, in Cleveland, July 20, 2016.
Lynne Patton, vice president of the Eric Trump Foundation, speaks to the Republican National Convention, in Cleveland, July 20, 2016.


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