Cruz also brings his speech around to the Apollo 11 anniversary, then segues into how the Republican Party was founded to defeat slavery. Also mentions Republican President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The party passed civil rights. They all refer to freedoms that his party brought about, Cruz sauys. And he brings it full circle to the Texas officer's family, who forgave the man who killed their husband and father.
Cruz says we deserve an immigration policy that puts America first and, yes, builds a wall. Huge cheers from the crowd.
He says Obama wants to close Guantanamo and open our borders. The crowd boos.
Cruz says Obama exports jobs and imports terrorists. The crowd boos.
Enough is enough, Cruz says, to claps and cheers from the crowd.
He is running through a list of criticisms of Obama and Clinton. His comment that they reference the death of Americans in Benghazi by asking what difference it makes is met with huge boos from the crowd.
He cites the Iran nuclear deal and says the country celebrates Death to America Day and Death to Israel Day. Huge boos from the crowd.