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Poll in Russia Finds Anti-Americanism at a New High

FILE - A member of pro-Kremlin "Nashi" (our people) movement shouts anti-American slogans in front of the US embassy in Moscow.
FILE - A member of pro-Kremlin "Nashi" (our people) movement shouts anti-American slogans in front of the US embassy in Moscow.
A survey conducted by an independent Russian polling agency has found anti-American feelings in Russia at a new high, with 71 percent of the respondents expressing either “generally bad” or “very bad” feelings towards the United States.

The Levada Center poll, which was conducted in late May and released Thursday, says the number of respondents expressing bad feelings towards the United States was up 10 percent from a similar poll conducted in late March.

Asked which countries are the most “unfriendly” or “hostile” to Russia, 69 percent of the respondents in the latest poll named the United States. Only 30 percent named Ukraine, whose government is currently in a violent conflict with pro-Russian separatists in the eastern part of the country.

After the United States and Ukraine, the countries named as the most hostile to Russia were the three Baltic states -- Lithuania (25 percent), Latvia (23 percent) and Estonia (21 percent).

The list of the countries seen by respondents as Russia’s closest friends and allies was topped by Belarus (51 percent), China (40 percent) and Kazakhstan (37 percent).