Lebanon’s only opera troupe put on the opening public performance of a truly Arabic opera on the weekend of July 9-10. In doing so, the group didn't just want to put on a good performance - they wanted to show the world the best of Arabic culture, shaking up this often traditional art form in the process.
Lebanon Opera Showcases Rich Arab Culture

Maxime Chami plays Mared Tay, the villain of the opera. (Photo: John Owens for VOA)

Antar and Abla is based on an epic poem thought to date back to the 6th century. (Photo: John Owens for VOA)

Maestro Maroun Rai, in the foreground, is one of the main figures behind the production. (Photo: John Owens for VOA)

Middle Eastern music is also incorporated into the score for Antar and Abla. (Photo: John Owens for VOA)