As death approaches, patients give daughters in marriage, decide to go skydiving, and reveal sexual peccadillos.The caregiver sits and listens.
Secrets Unfold in Hospice

At a patient's daughter's wedding, Cameron Hogg said a nurse loaned her wedding ring. When the priest asked who gives away the bride, the proud father pulled off his oxygen mask and said, "I do." (VOA / D. Taylor)

A 92-year-old patient described his past sex life to palliative caregiver Rian Venter. "Nobody in the family wants to hear about that ... we can talk about that," said Venter. (VOA / D. Taylor)

Patients share their 'bucket lists' of final desires with their hospice caregivers. One patient decided to go bungee jumping and sky diving. (VOA / D. Taylor)