Egypt announced on Saturday the discovery of a pharaonic tomb belonging to a royal goldsmith, who lived more than 3,500 years ago and whose work was dedicated to the ancient Egyptian god Amun.
3,500-year-old Royal Tomb Discovered in Egypt

The entrance of another Middle Kingdom tomb number (KAMPP 150), in Luxor, Egypt, Sept. 9, 2017.

The work on the discovery started last April, in Luxor, Egypt. Photo taken Sept. 9, 2017.

Members of parliament and a group of foreign ambassadors to Egypt, heads of foreign archaeological institutes in Cairo and top officials from the ministry of antiquities attended the discovery announcement in Luxor, Egypt, Sept. 9, 2017.

A collection of 150 ushabti figurines are displayed during the announcement of the new discovery, in Luxor, Egypt, Sept. 9, 2017.