In his weekly address, U.S. President Barack Obama urged Americans to go to the tax-saving tool on the White House Web site for information about taking advantage of Recovery Act tax benefits.
The U.S. deadline for filing personal taxes is April 15.
Mr. Obama said tax credits are available to help buy health insurance. Credits are also available for purchasing a house or car.
He said millions of students and parents paying for college tuition are eligible for up to $2,500 under the American Opportunity Credit.
Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona delivered the Republican weekly address.
He said job growth should be Washington's first priority, but the president had instead focused on a "controversial health bill" most Americans did not want.
Senator Kyl said Democrats in Congress are "labeling every bill they bring up as a jobs bill."
He said nearly 4 million Americans have lost their jobs since President Obama took office.
Senator Kyl said Republicans want to rein in "Washington spending."
Obama Says Recovery Act Benefits Americans