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NGO Provides Hope for Displaced Women in Sudan

Resettlement of displaced people has been a major issue since the end of the Sudanese Civil War.

Resettlement of displaced people has been a major issue since the end of the Sudanese Civil War. The lucky ones were resettled in the United States and other western countries, but for many others, hope is yet to come.

Women for Women International is an organization that is providing such hope for the displaced people of southern Sudan, particularly women.

The organization believes that when women are well, sustain an income, are decision-makers, and have strong social networks and safety-nets, they are in a much stronger position to advocate for their rights.

Judithe Registre is the Director of Development and Outreach of Women for Women International. She said the organization specifically targets the most vulnerable groups, namely returnees.

“…we’re supporting people who are returning from different locations, neighboring countries and other parts of the country, our work basically addresses the needs of the most socially excluded,” she said.

She said the organization is working closely to address the issue of economic development and education opportunities for women in Sudan.

“With close to 90% of the women unable to read, it’s nearly impossible to actually, really ensure the development necessary in the country will take place.”

Another area Women for Women is focusing on is early marriage and existing land and property rights for women.

“When you have women who are basically the ones to provide for the family, aren’t able to get the land to cultivate, to support raising their children, well you can only imagine not only the vulnerability of them in particular, but more than anything the vulnerability of the children, she said.”