Mozambique’s National Electoral Commission (CNE) has yet to officially endorse provisional results of the presidential vote. It shows governing FRELIMO party has won with about 57.2 percent and main opposition RENAMO in second place with 36 percent. The Mozambique Democratic Movement trails in third place with about 7 percent of the vote, according to Paulo Cuinica, spokesman for the electoral body.
Interim results
Cuinica said the provisional results could change since the electoral body is still working to confirm the outcome of the vote.
“These are likely to change since the electoral commission is still working on the votes, [and] since there are no agreements from political parties over those votes,” said Cuinica.
Cuinica said the CNE is waiting to confirm the official outcome of the presidential, parliamentary and provincial assemblies’ elections after resolving all complaints from the opposition parties.
“The electoral commission is working hard to see if this announcement can happen [soon],” said Cuinica.
Main opposition leaders Afonso Dhlakama of RENAMO and Daviz Simango of the Mozambique Democratic Movement have rejected the results of the general election citing alleged voter irregularities and fraud carried out by supporters of the ruling FRELIMO party. Its official deny the accusation.
Cuinica said the CNE has yet to receive official complaints from opposition parties despite their public statements.
“The political parties and their candidates have not lodged any formal complaints. But, according to the reports that we have received, we have decided to send four teams to the provinces to see what really happened [and] to assist the electoral commission in taking appropriate decisions [regarding] the endorsement of the results from the provinces,” said Cuinica.
Legal challenge
Officials say attorneys for main opposition RENAMO are gathering evidence to legally challenge the outcome of the elections, citing alleged ballot stuffing, intimidation of supporters and the refusal to give accreditation to their officials during the polls.
Cuinica said the body overseeing the vote is ready to defend itself in court.
“The electoral commission is always prepared to deal with that,” he said.
Cuinica said the CNE has received reports from both local and international poll observers who monitored the election. He said the electoral body is working to resolve challenges in the reports of the poll monitors.
“The observer missions commended the work done by the electoral management body,” Said Cuinica. “But, we are really working on the few concerns that have been raised to see that these areas can be clarified so that there is no doubt about the credibility and acceptability of the results of this election.”