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Mass Graves Found in Iraq Could Contain Up to 400 Bodies

A member of Iraqi security forces gestures towards a mass grave for corpses in the town of Hammam al-Alil which was seized from Islamic State last week, Nov. 9, 2016.
A member of Iraqi security forces gestures towards a mass grave for corpses in the town of Hammam al-Alil which was seized from Islamic State last week, Nov. 9, 2016.

Iraqi security forces have found mass graves in an area recently retaken from the Islamic State group that could contain up to 400 bodies, an Iraqi official said Sunday.

The bodies of civilians and security forces were found in an abandoned base near Hawija, a northern town retaken in early October, Kirkuk governor Rakan Saed said. He didn't say when authorities will start exhuming the bodies from the mass graves.

Iraqi security forces speak to shepherd Khalaf Luhaibi next to bones on the ground at an abandoned base near the northern town of Hawija, Iraq, Nov. 22, 2017.
Iraqi security forces speak to shepherd Khalaf Luhaibi next to bones on the ground at an abandoned base near the northern town of Hawija, Iraq, Nov. 22, 2017.

Khalaf Luhaibi, a local shepherd who led troops to the site, said IS used to bring captives to the area and shoot them dead or pour oil over them and light them on fire. The area was strewn with torn clothing and what appeared to be human bones and skulls.

Iraqi forces have driven IS from nearly all the territory it once controlled. Authorities have already uncovered several mass graves in other newly liberated areas.

U.S.-backed Iraqi forces have driven the extremists from nearly all the territory they once controlled, with some fighting still underway near the western border with Syria.

Bones lie on the ground in an area recently retaken from the Islamic State group, at an abandoned base near the northern town of Hawija, Iraq, Nov. 11, 2017.
Bones lie on the ground in an area recently retaken from the Islamic State group, at an abandoned base near the northern town of Hawija, Iraq, Nov. 11, 2017.

On Saturday, Iraq's prime minister announced an operation to capture a patch of territory on the western edge of the country near the border with Syria. Hours later, Iraqi Defense Ministry announced capturing Romana area, saying the troops will head to nearby town of Rawa.

According to Ahmed al-Asadi, a spokesman for the Shiite-majority paramilitary forces, Rawa is the last Iraqi town held by IS who still control some scattered small villages in mainly desert areas.