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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. (AP)
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. (AP)

LIVE BLOG: Trump Wins GOP Nomination


Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is no longer presumptive. He IS the nominee, thanks to his home state of New York that pushed him over 1, 237 delegate threshold.

Remember Ben Carson? He ran for the nomination too! Well he's on the speaker list tonight. VOA's Swahili service caught up with Carson at the convention:

VOA Swahili Service Speaks to Ben Carson
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Here is the convention streamed live by one of @realDonaldTrump's YT accounts:

House Speaker Paul Ryan is on the stage at the RNC.

House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin addresses the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on July 19, 2016. (AP)
House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin addresses the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on July 19, 2016. (AP)

He is rallying the delegates, calling for party unity.

"it is all on the line..." this year. "When America elects a conservative governing majority. We can do this!"

"What do you say we unify this party?"

Before taking the stage, the delegates heard from the nominee himself via videotape.

Earlier his son congratulated his Dad on winning the nomination:

VOA's Russian Service spoke to Michael Flynn, Trump's national security advisor.

Michael Flynn, Trump's National Security Advisor speaks to VOA's Russian Service
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New Jersey Chris Christie is now speaking. Invoking his friendship with nominee Donald Trump of many years, Christie told the crowd that the country needs his friend to "make America great again."

Next, he began ticking off former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "failures" in foreign policy, asking the crowd, "Guilty or not guilty?"

Crowd is chanting "lock her up!"

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie delivers a speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, July 19, 2016. (Photo: Ali Shaker / VOA )
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie delivers a speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, July 19, 2016. (Photo: Ali Shaker / VOA )

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