I am not impressed by the fact that both candidates take every chance to talk about everything BUT foreign policy. #debate
— Roxanne Krystalli (@rkrystalli) October 23, 2012
Class sizes in American schools is clearly one of the top U.S. foreign policy issues
— Toby Harnden (@tobyharnden) October 23, 2012
Both candidates trying to slip in economy in a debate over foreign policy.Another indication that economy will decide this election.
— Ayesha Tanzeem (@atanzeem) October 23, 2012
Thank goodness that it only took about a half hour to rid ourselves of that pesky foreign policy topic.
— Daniel Indiviglio (@indiviglio) October 23, 2012
Obama challenges Romney on his stated support for small businesses. He says Romney's policies don't help small businesses.
Obama says under his leadership, the U.S. has reformed education and that what he now wants to do is hire more teachers, especially in math and science, where Americans know they have fallen behind.
Obama says Romney's idea of not changing tax rates for the highest earners and cutting spending on education is "not good" for America's position in the world.
Obama says Romney's idea of not changing tax rates for the highest earners and cutting spending on education is "not good" for America's position in the world.
Schieffer tries to get the candidates back to the topic of foreign policy, which is supposed to be the focus of this debate.
Romney overrides Schieffer's attempt to continue to talk education and his own record in Massachusetts.
Schieffer asks him where he's going to get the money. Romney invites Schieffer to look at his website to see how they'll get the nation to a balanced budget. Says Romney will get rid of Obama's health care plan first.