National exit polls indicate most voters disapprove of certain behaviors by the top-ticket candidates:
Does Donald Trump's treatment of women bother you?
71% yes
28% no
Does Hillary Clinton's use of a private email system bother you?
62% yes
37% no
At least four people have been wounded in a shooting outside a Los Angeles-area polling station, reports the LA Times.
Few details are available about the 2 p.m. (local time) shooting, but police from the city of Azusa are tweeting about the incident and urging people to stay away:
Polls closing at 7:30 p.m. ET in three more states:
• North Carolina (15 electoral votes)
• Ohio (18)
• West Virginia (5)
Earlier closings, at 7 p.m., occurred in:
•Georgia (16 Electoral Votes)
•Indiana (11 Electoral Votes)
•Kentucky (8 Electoral Votes)
•South Carolina (9 Electoral Votes)
•Vermont (3 Electoral Votes)
•Virginia (13 Electoral Votes)