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Ivanka Trump to Talk Taxes in Pennsylvania

White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump speaks at the forum Taking Women-Owned Business to the Next Level, on the sidelines of the World Bank/IMF annual meetings in Washington, Oct. 14, 2017.
White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump speaks at the forum Taking Women-Owned Business to the Next Level, on the sidelines of the World Bank/IMF annual meetings in Washington, Oct. 14, 2017.

Ivanka Trump is heading to Pennsylvania to promote the Republican tax overhaul plan.

The White House says Trump will appear at a town hall in Richboro Monday, with U.S. Treasurer Jovita Carranza. The event will be moderated by former Rep. Nan Hayworth.

A key part of the conversation will be the proposal to expand the child tax credit, which the first daughter is backing. Ivanka Trump has been working on the plan to expand the $1,000 credit with the administration and lawmakers. Details on how much the credit should increase to have not been settled, and the president's daughter has not publicly offered a number.

Later in the day, Fox News Channel will air an interview with Ivanka Trump by host Sean Hannity. She is expected to continue discussing taxes.