Iran's intelligence chief says authorities have arrested an unspecified number of suspects linked to Monday's bombings that killed a prominent nuclear scientist and injured a second scientist.
Iran's state-run media on Thursday quotes Heidar Moslehi as saying that the arrests had revealed "new clues" to what he called "other arrest elements." He claims that Israeli, British and U.S. spy agencies played a role in the attacks but did not say that those arrested were linked to the agencies.
Scientist Majid Shahriari was killed and his wife wounded after attackers on motorcycles attached explosives to their vehicle. A nuclear physicist and his wife were wounded in a similar attack Monday.
On Wednesday, Iranian atomic energy chief Ali Akbar Salehi said the scientist's murder was a warning from the West. He said "wicked people" wanted to show their "hideous side" in the run-up to next week's talks in Geneva on Iran's disputed nuclear program. He commented at Shahrairi's funeral.
Iran Makes Arrests in Scientist Blasts