The conflict in Yemen makes headlines in international news, but a group of 16 Yemeni volunteer activists want to shed a positive light on the war-torn country by presenting its rich history and culture. The group started Yemen Used to Be in 2019 on social media and recently launched a website to expand their outreach, hoping to change the way people think about Yemen.
Volunteers Want World to See Different Side of Yemen

A depiction of Taqiyya Al Taweeliah, who is one of the leading female folk singers in Yemen and an important icon for its capital, Sanaa. (Photo courtesy of Waleed al-Ward)

A depiction of the al-Janad Mosque, which is the oldest surviving holy Islamic monument, built in the 7th century in southwestern Yemen. (Photo courtesy of Waleed al-Ward)

Traditional Qamaria windows like this one made from stained glass are disappearing from Yemeni homes as people turn to more sturdy windows due to the civil war. (Photo courtesy of Waleed al-Ward)