Sudanese refugees who fled corruption and human rights abuses during the regime of Sudan's former president Omar al-Bashir face difficulties as they search for asylum and better opportunities in Egypt and Libya. But residents of both of those neighboring countries face their own problems in gaining better health care, education, income and job opportunities, leaving refugees a nearly impossible task.
Sudanese Refugees Face Hardship in Search for Asylum

Sudanese refugees greet each other after Friday prayers in El-Barajil, a village on the outskirts of greater Cairo. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

African refugees can find affordable apartments on Hassanin Desouki street. However, both the Sudanese and long-time Cairo residents face culture shock when dealing with each other. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

Motasim, a worker at the Sudanese restaurant El Gharb, says, "We offer a big meal for four persons, just for $2, but for free for those who cannot afford it". (H. Elrasam/VOA)

El Gharb is a Sudanese restaurant in Giza. It is as a hub for newcomers seeking asylum, and workers at the restaurant can help them find affordable accommodation. Sometimes the restaurant gives food to those who cannot pay for it. (H. Elrasam/VOA)