For Egypt, which counts tourism is a major industry, the confirmation that the COVID-19 virus has arrived in the country is especially big news. Here's a look at how Egyptians and their government are dealing with this health and economic threat.
In Photos: Egypt Deals with Coronavirus

While Saudi Arabia's sacred mosque in Mecca was closed last week in an effort to contain the virus, mosques in Egypt continued to function as normal. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

In Cairo's Manshiyat Naser ward, where a majority of residents are Coptic Christians, prayers are still held inside a poorly ventilated cave and sacraments are distributed to all with the same spoon. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

Hundreds of Egyptians who are traveling to Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries in the next 24 hours gathered to get the COVID-19 test, required by Saudi Arabia before they board their plane. (H. Elrasam/VOA)