Fields in eastern Turkey are increasingly crowded with refugees from Afghanistan as those who fled the Taliban takeover of Kabul begin to trickle in after weeks of travel across Iran. Meanwhile, the Turkish government is working to secure its borders to prevent more refugees from entering the country. For VOA, Yan Boechat has this visual story from Van, Turkey, and the Turkish border with Iran.
Exhausted, Hungry and Hurt: Afghans Seek Refuge in Turkey
- By Yan Boechat

Refugees run to get out of sight, fearing arrest in eastern Turkey, Sept. 1, 2021.

Under a bridge in eastern Turkey, refugees wait for a smuggler to pick them up and guide them to what they hope is a safe location, Aug. 31, 2021.

Refugees arrive exhausted, hungry and often broke after paying smugglers and encountering thieves as they fled from Afghanistan to eastern Turkey, Sept. 1, 2021.

Many Afghans arrive in eastern Turkey not knowing where to find safety, as their entry into the country is often considered illegal, Sept. 1, 2021.