As in other Orthodox Christian traditions in Russia, Serbia, and Ethiopia, Egyptian Coptic Christians have been celebrating the Christmas season with a month-long fast - a vegan type diet for 43 days leading up to the Christmas Day holiday January 7. At the culmination of the season Tuesday, Coptic Christian families in Cairo gathered to worship and sing, dressed in their best, to break the fast together and celebrate.
Egypt's Coptic Christians Celebrate Christmas

Residents of "Garbage City," a largely Coptic neighborhood of eastern Cairo, put up a Christmas tree made of materials including recycled plastic. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

Cairo butchers do brisk business the day before Christmas. After Christmas Eve Mass, Coptic Orthodox Christians break a long meatless fast. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

Shoppers flock to fruit vendors ahead of Coptic Christmas. Fruit is an essential part of celebrations for both Christians and Muslims in Egypt. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

Cookies are part of a long Egyptian tradition on feast days. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)