Christian tradition says that after Jesus was born, his parents fled with him to Egypt to escape death. Eventually they returned to their home in what was then known as the kingdom of Judea, and one of their last stops in Egypt was said to be at a cave in the Dronka mountains. Thousands of devotees of the Virgin Mary travel to the Virgin Mary Monastery near Assiut, Egypt every August to show their devotion to the holy family. Christian children are baptized and adults hope for blessings.
Egypt's Christians and Muslims Show Devotion to Virgin Mary

The cave, where the holy family is believed to have stayed, is the main sight to visit in the monastery. Sunday, August 18, 2019.

Virgin Mary devotees present animals for slaughtering and donate money in honor of the holy family. Sunday, August 18, 2019.

Romani, who came to the monastery from Assiut. He says, "I am decorating my new apartment nowadays with figures of the holy family, that is why I started with Virgin Mary, "the mother of the hero." Sunday, August 18, 2019.

Small Children are baptized in water and holy oil, the first step in the Orthodox Christian faith. Boys are baptized after 40 days and girls after 80 days. Sunday, August 18, 2019.