Egyptians celebrate Eid al-Adha this week, the Muslim sacrifice holiday, amid strict new restrictions on slaughtering animals in public places or homes. For VOA, Hamada Elrasam has this visual story from Cairo, with words by Heather Murdock.
Egyptians Celebrate Eid al-Adha Amid Tight Restrictions

New regulations do not include additional rules ensuring the humane treatment of animals, in Cairo, July 17, 2021.

New government regulations are intended to improve sanitation in the streets and prevent illnesses, in Cairo, July 17, 2021.

Customers line up at a butcher's shop to buy meat for the holiday, July 19, 2021.

More than 32 percent of Egyptians live below the poverty line and many cannot afford to purchase animals for the holiday, July 19, 2021.