Abdallah Shahat, 58, lost his eyesight at age 19, but it hasn't slowed him down. The father of three has found a way to make the most of his talents - including repairing home appliances - which allows him to earn enough income to support his family.
Egyptian Father's Talents Limitless, Despite Visual Disability

Abdallah says losing his eyesight has never limited him. He finds new hope in every morning. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

Abdallah Shahat is a 58-year-old blind man living in Shubra El-Kheima, the fourth-largest city in Egypt and part of Greater Cairo. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

His neighbors help to guide him walking whenever they can. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)

Abdallah also can walk by himself. "I count my steps, and I know about the directions and landmarks, if I go anywhere for only once, I could go back on my own," he says. (Hamada Elrasam/VOA)