Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christians celebrated Christmas this week amid tight restrictions after a sharp spike in the country’s COVID-19 cases. Hamada Elrasam has captured the holiday scene in this photo gallery from Cairo.
Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Christians Celebrated Christmas amid COVID-19 Spike

Christian men lined up in front of a barber shop to prepare themselves for the limited festivities in Cairo, Jan. 6, 2021. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

Despite a recent spike in COVID-19 cases, young men crowd into internet cafés in Cairo over the holiday, Jan. 6, 2021. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

Shoppers preparing Christmas feasts said they were stocking up on oranges because they want extra vitamins during the ongoing pandemic in Cairo, Jan. 6, 2021. (H. Elrasam/VOA)

Before the Christmas celebration, Coptic Orthodox Christians abstain from eating meat, in Cairo, Jan. 6, 2021 (H. Elrasam/VOA)