Since the coronavirus pandemic began, police have targeted areas where drug users gather in effort to clear Afghanistan’s streets of people like Mohammed Reza.
A Day In the Life of an Afghanistan Drug Addict

Drug users sitting next to a tent under the bridge in Pul-e-Sukhta area - the only home some of them have. (Maciej Stanik/VOA)

Men smoking drugs under the bridge in Pul e Sukhta. (Maciej Stanik/VOA)

Each day under the bridge in Pul e Sukhta dozens of men gather to take drugs. Many of them are homeless. (Maciej Stanik/VOA)

Even during the day, it is often dark under the bridge in Pul-e-Sukhta. A man with a head torch prepares his drugs. (Maciej Stanik/VOA)